FRCW - Members Only


  • #SAVETHEDATE – July 13, 2024 Workshop Alyssa Day and Friends at the Library for First Page Reads and Author’s Panel
  • Vickey Always Needs Monthly Reader/Author-Focused Articles for the Gazette – In exchange, you get a free ad in the newsletter before the 10th of the Month
  • The NERFA Contest – Congratulations to the Winners
  • The Shared World Anthology for 2025 is still open for participants – Check with Lia Davis /
  • Romancing the Tropics – Year 2 PLEASE PROMOTE – Purchase Link:
  • THE 2024 BEACON PROGRAM is still accepting participates – Contact Vickey Wollan – Coordinator to get matched up with a published author to help with your story and for first-timers contributing to our anthologies
  • Match-Maker Program is Going Again – If you would like a critique buddy email Debby Grahl:

  • The Winter Romance Anthology for 2024 has been updated. If you want to participate you need to get your name on the list this week so that Leah and Lia can update the spreadsheet. We will be swapping stories next month. Check with Lia or the FCRW Email Listing for Updates
  • ALL of the Social Media Pages are available by clicking on the icons located at the upper left-hand corner of the page and even in the footer section below. FOLLOW, LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE it will help us grow our audience and will help you as an author as well because we are working on doing the same for each of you.
  • The FCRW Facebook Group is a Private area on Facebook for our members to enjoy, share news and stuff. There is also a file section with the latest EXCEL spreadsheet listing all the published authors in the group, their website, newsletter and social media pages. Check it out!
  • Share your own News in one of the Groups! We would love to hear. PLEASE Check your Author profile on the main website. If you have added social media accounts or wish to revise what is listed get in touch with the Webmistress
  • Take a few minutes to like, follow, share and subscribe to all of your fellow members newsletters, profile page and social media accounts that you participate with. It only works if we all help each other out.


You have reached the Member’s Only area for First Coast Romance Writers. This is a great resources for our members with both writing and reading resources, materials, services and much more. After you have paid your membership fee you will be able to register for this website and get to know your fellow members, share resources, get help with your writing, publishing and marketing. FCRW and it’s board members want to you succeed with your goals of becoming a published romance author.

IF you are already registered, please log-in or use the Log-In Widget on the Sidebar on the right

***anyone who registers as a member will be added automatically to the Members Only Page. You Will receive a separate email with a link to sign=-in. You will also be asked to change your temporary password. If you experience problems or you did not receive your email (Please check your spam folder first) Please use the CONTACT US form and let the webmistress know.